Sunday, July 22, 2007

My Time Is Almost Up

I'm taking a break from reading the final installment of my favourite series of all time. Harry Potter. Its quite devastating actually. I began reading those books when I was 13, I'm almost 20 now. It does not seem like much but it is to me. I really enjoy reading and rereading these books. Nevertheless i'm taking a break because I am so scared of finishing it too quickly. I want to savour all the words and make sure I don't miss a thing. I should probably be asleep right now, but, as usual I cant.
Tomorrow, or today actually, is going to be a very busy day for me. I'm going to have to wash my clothes, get my hair cut, try to read a couple of chapters of the book, and go to a wedding, all in a day. Its a lot for me. It does not seem like much, but for me, its very overwhelming. Its actually tough talking about this, but I suffer from anxiety. I get really uncomfortable in public. It just me, I dont think I show it, but I can really feel it. My symptoms include, stomachache, headache, nervousness, and just plain fear. I don't know why but it happens to me. I feel so stupid sometimes but I try to deal with it in a healthy way. I just breath and try to let it pass. Well see what the wedding does to me. I fear the worst.
Besides my crippling fear of being in large public places, I'm actually doing great. Im feeling better about myself and who I am, and and going to feel alot better, I hope, in a few weeks.
My surgery was moved up three days from the original date. I was staggered at first, because i've been waiting for this surgery for a long long time, but now that i've managed to get my life in some order, this happens. The reason i'm sort of angry is because I had a job scheduled were I was going to be making good money. Now I have to forefit the job and make nothing. It dissapointing because it would have been my first wedding that I would be photographing. I guess there will be others.
Now i've said my piece, I think i'll go read another chapter of Deathly Hallows....

this weeks picture, the santa monica pier. it was a lucky shot to say the least. im really proud of it. i call it "pier fun", click on it to see it larger, the effect is much grander.

"pier fun"

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