So its day three and I'm suffering in silence. Its tough because I cant really talk and breath so in other words, its hell. I refuse to go outside and give people a glimpse of me. Just two more days and...freedom!
So now on to more pressing matters. Harry Potter. It was such a sad experience reading the final installment of my favorite series. I tried not to rush through the book, trying to savour all the words and not miss a single plot point. Even though I tried not to rush I still finished it in about 2 days and a half. It was so fast. I had so many questions that were left unanswered so many things that I had to reread. But I guess we'll never get that and I settled on the fact that I read a great series and thats it.
So now what to do, after Hary Potter? Well there are two more movies in the works to look forward to, a possible encyclopida according to J.K Rowling, and a theme park. I wish they werent making a theme park about the books. I can appreciate all of the younger fans wanting to go see a Harry LIVE! show, but for me, it just seems corny and tacky. But I guess in the end its all about money. If I ever go to florida i'll probably end up buying a ticket but I still think its a bad idea.
What the Harry Potter series did for me was instill a love for reading that I never had before. I used to never like to read, anything really, but when I was 13 i found these books and actually read them out of order (3,2,1) but fell in love with them immediately. I could not stop reading and re-reading them. It was such a great experience learning to love to read. Its cheesy but, i'm glad I love to read. I just wish my sister had the same passion but I guess not everyone likes to read.
In the end I think these books are such a catalyst for others to begin reading other works and that, I think is the best part about them. Like JK Rowling said, "all was well".