Monday, December 15, 2008


Just sitting here listening to "Two Step" by Dave Matthews Band.
Bored off my arse because its raining outside and even though I love the cold I hate going outside in it. So i'm forced to stay inside because i'm chicken shit and refuse to embrace mother nature and her ghastly winds.

So this past week has been rather tumultuous for Washington according to the news. Some guy Blagoyevich or something like that was arrested for trying to sell Obama's vacant senate seat. Tsk tsk. When will these people learn that if you do something illegal eventually you will get caught. There is always a paper trail. I think he should be forced out or resign but apparently he won't give up his seat. He sure is one stubborn sonofabitch. I admire that in him I suppose (just kidding). Anyway on to happier news, according to CNN Caroline Kennedy will be running for senator of New York now that Hilary Clinton will be our new Secretary of State next year. That should be interesting, another Kennedy in office. Hope she survives!

So that was my news wrap up.

This coming week should be pretty interesting.
Monday (today): blob around the house and write on my blog; then work; then gym.
Tuesday: Gym; Red Robin XMAS party or beach party hmmm?
Wednesday: Holiday Posada
Thursday: Hang with good friend T.
Friday: I dunno yet
Saturday: Work
Sunday: Work


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