Thursday, September 25, 2008

She's Lost It

But did Sarah Palin ever have it. I just finished watching a piece on CNN with Anderson Cooper and they noticed that she was very nervous and showed a lack of confidence during her interview with Katie Couric. According to Sarah, the close proximity of Russia to Alaska gives her the foreign policy experience that Obama doesn't have. That is ludicrous, even more so its mind boggling to think that Sarah Palin's handlers would even let her answer such a question. By no means am I on her side. But I noticed that at the beginning of her campaign where Mr. Bush presented her to the world her presence screamed confidence. Now, as expected she has succumb to the political pressure and complete exploitation of her private life. This just goes to prove my point that the republicans choice of candidates are supremely under qualified.
Just needed to get that off my chest.

Where is this country heading?!!!!

Washington Mutual just went under. I know a few people that have accounts there. According to CNN many branches will close. But not to worry, everyones money is safe. Nevertheless, I would suggest moving your money to another bank. But who am I to judge on the economy.

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