Monday, June 23, 2008

First Nude Public Outing

Well, Yesterday was a pretty normal day for me I suppose. The heat was up there in the triple digits. You know its too hot when you can't touch your steering wheel.
I went to work early. The day went smoothly enough. I don't think I could have a drama free day at work. Everyday it seems as though I've been cursed with the worst job on earth. And yet, I stay. Some people would call that stupid. But I've put so much time and hard work into that place that I couldn't just leave without getting all I could from it.
After work, I was pretty exhausted but since I signed up for my gym membership I promised my self I would attend at least 6 days a week. I picked up my feet and dragged myself to go workout. It was the first time I used the gym showers. Weird. No curtains. Imagine my grief. But I grit my teeth and went for it. Public nudity isn't my forte but when it is necessary, I'll do it. Some of the guys there were so comfortable and walked around nekkid. Me, not so much. All in all it wasn't that bad of an experience.
Today I plan nothing. As usual. Go with the flow. Tomorrow I start summer school. Free studio time to work on my portfolio and possibly even make some money in the process. Not too shabby.

Work, work work. Thats all life really is. Not the worst thing in the world. Could be the best.

PS. On a positive note. A couple weeks ago I received the photo editor position at my school. Thrilling.

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and Henceforth I shall remain truly yours...