Now that I'm through complaining. School is about to beging rather soon and my nerves are on the edge. Its all this worrying thats got me down. But I just somehow manage to stick through it and perservere. I guess my writing helps me release some steam but, I dont really know.
Im confused, really confused.
The times are tough, not just for me. I see it in strangers faces. This administration is really bringing society down. I wish I lived in another country sometimes, It may not be as comfortable but life is probably considerably more mellow. I need that.
Europe sounds good right about now, or a quiet town in South America. I'm just rambling, nevertheless its an attractive idea. I envy those who can just pick up and leave at the drop of a hat. Start a new life somewhere completely new and enjoy the challenge of making new friends. But I grow weary of my own restlessness. I can't stand to put up with my self sometimes. How do people deal with me. Ughh, it is sickening.
Well i'm off to bed because tomorrow I have a appointment with my surgeon in bloody Los Angeles. I'm going to have to wake up at the crack of the crack of dawn and sit through hell on wheels for an hour and a half. Meanwhile I wont have time to get my morning coffee unless I wake up earlier and drive to the coffee place. By the time I get there my ass will be numb to the point of paralysis and I will have to limp up the stairs. Then comes the waiting, oh the waiting! That will be another 30 minutes of pure monotony. When they finally screech my name I'll get up and wait some more and when my old as dirt decrepit doctor drags herself in to check me out, she'll say with out even laying one of her cottage cheese looking fingers on me,
-"ok, ya look fine, get outta here"-
And that is what will take up most of my day.
So my bed awaits me. Night night.
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