Saturday, August 4, 2007

High Society

Its become clear to me how I live my life. I really do love it. Of course if I could change some things I would, but nevertheless I love doing the things I do. I love to read a book, I love to listen to my tunes. I like to write occasionally and I just love to hang out with my friends and play monopoly whilst shouting obscenities at eachother. Its the simple things that please me. They really do.
Sometimes I dream for a life that is out of reach. I dream of living in mansions and driving ostentatious cars. Mingling with the rich and mighty. But then I fall flat onto reality and realize that that is not my life, and I am glad for it. I would like one day, to be succesfull at what I do, make a good living and be happy. But I what I don't want is to change the way I think. I love the way I think right now. I love the things that come to me. I'm in a period in my life where I am experiencing new things, trying to break out of my shell. I feel happy with my mind.
I know with time that I will learn many things, feel much more pain, and more joy(i hope). And these experiences will probably change the way I believe but I would like to keep most of my original beliefs in essence. Things happen to you, people will happen to you and all these things will affect me. But I guess i'm just afraid of whats to come. Im excited but nervous for the future.
I hope to keep many of my friendships, meet many more people and love many more people. But I just don't know. I cant fathom the day when I will meet someone who will be able to stand me. But I know that day is somewhere.
I ponder and I ponder and I ponder. But I never know.

"The light at the end of the tunnel is not an illusion. The tunnel is.”
from proverbs

Highway 1 tunnel

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"you bastard, you only gave my $13! where's my money, bitch?!". goodtimes. I'm glad you're finally content.




and Henceforth I shall remain truly yours...