Sunday, May 3, 2009

Bold Moves

I've always loved television. Ever since my mother would turn it on and let me watch an hour or so of mind numbing programming. Its always been a comfort to me, especially when I'm bored, sad, or just feel like tuning out. Nevertheless, time and time again I turn to the boob tube for, for lack of a better word, peace. Sometimes i'll be in front of it, and leave it on any channel, just for the noise, and the company. The emitting lights and sounds can be very reassuring. Yet, all of the comfort and supposed peace it has brought me has come at a price. I tend to tune out of life sometimes. I would rather indulge in a good hour drama, than deal with life. The television has been my coping mechanism for so many years. While watching tv, I can sort out my problems, issues, and what have you. All while conscious or unconsciously watching the tv...................

That right there was a pause for one of my brief indulgences. (I'm watching X-Men: The Last Stand on FX, in HD no less)

Anyway, this tends to happen a lot. Sometimes, someone will be talking to me and I can hear them, I really can, but I don't respond because i'm entranced by the program.

Well, no more, hopefully. I've made a decision, a bold one on my part. At least I think so anyway. I have removed the television from my room, where I spend a good deal of time. And in its place, an empty space waiting for yet another mind numbing device to supersede it. I've always had a television in my room, but recently its become a problem. I'll turn it on, for the noise, and start on my homework. But sooner or later I tune out of my homework, and tune into whatever is on the tv. It is so easy! It happens way too often for my liking, and my welfare. I'm focusing more on my studies now, and I think this is a positive step in the right direction for success. I know it may seem like nothing to other people, but to me its a big deal.

Now, off to do some actual homework.

*turns of t.v. and heads to tv-less room, oh the horror!*

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