Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Its about time

Barack Obama was elected President of the United States of America tonight. Millions of people are in a state of excitement for the most poignant thing about this election is that a change is imminent. I do believe that americans made the right choice tonight. I could be a bit biased on that matter, considering i'm a democrat, but nevertheless this is a turning point in our 221 year old nation.
One thing is certain tonight, millions of Americans will remember where they were the minute that they heard that an African American was elected as our next president. What makes me so proud right now is to realize that there is hope yet for America. Eight years ago we chose Bush as our president, and now we know that was the wrong decision, we will have to deal with that for sure. But the fact that America saw a problem and chose as a nation to elect someone to fix it gives me a great sense of pride to live here in this great land. I just hope that Barack Obama is up to the task of tackling on the economy, the climate problems, two wars and so many other issues.
Change is in the air. I can feel it.

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