Friday, September 14, 2007


Today so far has been a really peaceful day. I woke up early to get to yoga class and drove to school half asleep with no breakfast in me. Usually I don't do that, but there is a specific reason for that. I suppose that when you eat a heavy breakfast, or any food for that matter before yoga, it could get pretty hazardous for the others the the class room when your stomach starts digesting all of the food you just ate. No one wants to sit next to a windy person if you know what I mean.
So yoga, Ive never done anything like that in my life. I can tell you though, I'm hooked. It is such a calming experience, difficult but really soothing for mind and body. Its a two hour class and we spent the full two hours practising. Some of the positions were a bit wacky but I didn't feel stupid because every one else was doing it with me. After class I felt really energized and bendy, or stretched out.
Its been three weeks of school already and i'm really handling it well I guess. Nothing too hard so far. I know it wont stay that way forever so I'm enjoying it as much as I can, and trying to meet new people at the same time. Thats the harder part I would say. People are always on the go, never really taking a minute to settle down. I'm not that way anymore, or ever was really. I don't know what I am truthfully but i'll figure it out.
Besides school, work, or lack there of, has become a problem. I really need to get more work as a photographer or else i'm going to have to get another job. On the same note, I was just offered my job back at Red Robin. Its tempting because I really need the money but I don't feel the same way about that place anymore. Its like i've moved on from that place. I don't know what i'll do. I have a week to decide.
I've actually been meeting a lot of new people lately. Its been interesting to say the least. School brings out the best in me,I think, and I guess that shows when I meet new people.
I recently found out something about myself that I did, and now realizing it, I think i'm gonna stop. I didnt do it on purpose. Its just an eye thing. Ugh!
And I joined a couple of clubs at school which should be interesting. I think i'll be able to network more with people who I have a lot in common with.
Lifes moving on and I'm caught up in it. Which is a really good thing.

looking for something outhere

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