Friday, April 10, 2009

An exercise in futility.

The poor,innocent, troglodytes of society bathe in the sunlight of the evening day. Jean Marie tilts her head up, slightly, in the manner of a former beauty queen. She behaves so very regal, its inspiring. You know she used to be beautiful, it is evident in her bone structure. Her jaw line defined, slightly masculine but very feminine simultaneously. Her cheekbones radiate from her face, resplendent almost, round and fine. Her nose is upturned, but ever so slightly. Her eyes, however, seem argumentative, angry, pensive. Their color is faded from years gone by of a life once lived. So yes, you can tell she was once a beauty. But now, the years have taken their toll. The bags under her eyes weigh on her, like anchors. She tries to cover them up anyway she can, with makeup, with treatments, with cold hard cucumbers (like she sees on t.v), but to no avail. It's all pointless. She won't resort to medical interventions either. She rationalizes that its beneath her. Surgery. Hmph! But the truth is that she can't afford it. She can barely afford her lunch that shes enjoying right now. She had finally had enough. What's one 5 dollar lunch she says? She's been saving and saving. She wants to escape from her meaningless job, her dead-end job, and her troll of a husband. She's what you would call a desperate housewife, the epitome of one, I would say.

and thats as much as i have today. its an exercise in writing i would like to do everyday. hopefully i'll keep it up.

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