Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Soup of the Day


My cellphone is vibrating on the faux wood desk i've been assigned in my french 2 class. It goes on and on, for eternity, or, well, until I pick it up. Everyone hears it in the freakishly quiet room. They turn. I turn red. Then it all turns. The professor has noticed the vibrating, she smiles. Its one of those evil, wicked smiles. She's happy that she's caught me. Almost too happy. How could someone be so happy to catch someone red handed. (Well, backtrack. I know a lot of people who would be more than delighted to catch someone doing something naughty). She projects her lanky arm forward, palm open, waiting hungrily for my phone. Despondently, I hand it over, my face is now clearly upset. If you could visualize it: the eyebrows furled, squinched as tightly as possible. The forehead is another story all together, lines clearly visible like dried out riverbeds in the grand canyon. The eyes are red with fury, beaming at her, filled with nothing but disdain. The mouth is pursed shut, nothing could open it except a barrage of curse words aimed directly at the enemy. Thats what my face looks like.(Pretty isn't it?) But she will not get away with it! Yet, she already has. In front of my classmates, no less. I resign to the fact that my phone is now in her dried up bony old hands. Forever locked away, or, until class is over. At the end of class I will be sure to give her a pice of my mind, and it will be a big honkin' piece, cherry filled! The kid next to me witnesses everything, especially my rage. He keeps a safe distance. "Good thinking buddy" I say to myself. Best he stays away, for his own sake. Because I am about to rip this room apart with my rage! Or rather, like always, do nothing. Yeah, that sounds about right. By the end of class my vehement vexation has significantly worn off. I know, I was utterly out of line. I shouldn't have behaved in such a manner. I completely embarrassed myself, yet again. Nothing new in my book. Another one to add to the list of public mortifications. Who do I have to blame but myself. Not that it matters. I'm just ranting after all.

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