Tuesday, July 22, 2008

So Far.....

I've been going to the gym for approximately one month now. Its been tough, but I think I've grown to like the gym. I mean, I still like going and doing stuff outside but the gym offers you more things. Anyway, I started this out at first because I wanted to shed a few pounds but now I'm going for it big time. I've been taking a picture every monday for one month. In three months I hope to lose 30 lbs. In six months I hope to be ready for competition, just kidding. But honestly I want to do this not just to look better but feel better too. The nutrition plan had been the hardest. I wouldn't call it so much a diet, so much as a nutrition regime. Its more of eating whatever you want but sensible and smaller portions. But I do have to cut out the junk food completely. Which is fine, except for pop tarts. I will dearly miss those. Adieu to you pop-tart.

Starting Date: June 18th
Finish Date: ?????

Start Weight: 191 lbs
Current Weight: 183.5 lbs

Total Loss: 7.5

Not much but its something.

I have pictures, but i'm still debating putting them up. No I don't look like a blimp or anything but its always weird putting pics of you half dressed online. (cut to me putting the pic up)

Update: Ok here it is.

( I think the beer gut is going down a bit)
(BTW don't drink beer, I wish that were my excuse)
(Its mostly junk food)
(Why am I explaining myself?)
(I think i'll stop)

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