First post of 2010.
My stomach is full, I am dirty from not washing for three consecutive days and the couch has my body permanently imprinted between the fibers........
(have to go to work, will finish later)
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Sunday, December 13, 2009
I sit down
Things seemed so much better before
Lit skin in melodious colors
Spinning graciously, for it wont last forever
In lust again
Hooded figure drops from the ceiling
Gravely gripping at his chest
Breaking solemnly head down
Professional non-smokers hover
Paper cuts bleed profusely over the table into glasses
Melting eyes catch glimpses of rabbits
Shoulder blades slice right through butter
Continental breaths linger over bitter tea
Chained bears sip for your sake
It all seemed quaint before
Now its just nonsense
Things seemed so much better before
Lit skin in melodious colors
Spinning graciously, for it wont last forever
In lust again
Hooded figure drops from the ceiling
Gravely gripping at his chest
Breaking solemnly head down
Professional non-smokers hover
Paper cuts bleed profusely over the table into glasses
Melting eyes catch glimpses of rabbits
Shoulder blades slice right through butter
Continental breaths linger over bitter tea
Chained bears sip for your sake
It all seemed quaint before
Now its just nonsense
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Hello again blog world!
It has been quite a while, I must say, since I have blogged. I just recently remembered I had one of these things and with the summer taking up most of my time (more on that later) I guess I just lost track of this blog.
A reason for my departure from this blog is because I have gone back to the basics I suppose you could say. Writing is one of my favorite things to do, but I never get to do enough of it. Whether it be because of work, or school, or just life, it has fallen behind on my list of priorities. Not until recently have I really picked up again, and this time I hit it full force. I have three written journals that I usually write in. Two are for a class, and the other is for me.
The summer was quite an experience to say the least. My adventures usually led me to the forest, and outdoors, which is a rarity for me. Not only did I spend my time outdoors but I can proudly say that I really did do some growing up this summer. I guess it takes time to realize what your priorities are in life and I can say that I think I have found mine. As I was writing in my journal today I remember writing this, "I know that i'm not done growing up, there is a lot I have to learn, but i'm glad i'm open to it now". Which encompasses how i'm living my life these days. I have really taken a new turn, for the better, and I believe that I know what I want to do.
Today I started my applications for CSU's and it is quite a daunting process. There is so much they need to know, and it ain't cheap.
I'm also taking a full course load this semester of which I plan to ace all of my classes. And finally finish with math, once and for all!!!!
On the personal front, I guess i've learned a lot about myself. I know what I want in life. I'm still quite stupid though. So its on a trial and error basis.
On the work front, I still work at RR, and its mostly just one day a week. Which is bearable for me. Thats all i'll say about that.
Applying for all my schools has really made me think of what I want in life, what i'm willing to give up, and what i'm standing to gain. I know that if I stay in California I will have it easier, I will have a place to live with my mom, and food to eat. But i've also realized that its about time I flew the coop. I love my family, but I think I would appreciate them more from afar, way afar.
Its a scary thing to move I know this. But who's to say that I can't handle the challenge?
Well right now, I have the pacific north west in my sights and I hope to one day fulfill my dream of living there.
This fall promises to be most interesting if everything goes as planned. I have so much homework now that I don't know what to do with myself. Also I'll be working some on new projects with friends. So that sounds like it should fill my time up.
And for now, I think i'll keep surfing the web for an invitation to Google Wave, which seems like it will be the future of communications.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Mt. FUN!

Its Mt. Baldy and the bugs came out to play. This tuesday we a couple friends an I went to hike in the wilderness that is the Angeles National Forest. I was expecting fresh air, which we got. Big trees, check. And a whole lot of bugs, which I wasn't expecting. The flys were abnormally ginormous. Each one would land on you and begin to make you the host of their ever expanding family. The red marks on me are proof of the attack I barely survived. I used to think that I was a wilderness person. I cherished the fact that as a city boy, I would appreciate the expansive forest. But much to my chagrin, or distaste for the insect kingdom, I am not in fact a wilderness boy. I am through and through a dweller of suburbia. Its not a big surprise I suppose. I was raised in the city. So it comes down to having to choose a life of modern comforts, or a life of tranquil peace with great weather and beautiful sunsets, melded with horrifying insects and grotesque bug bites. I think I choose the former. A city boy. Doesn't sound so bad, does it?
Sunday, June 14, 2009
I'll always have money for books
It has come to my attention recently that when I am a starving writer in some crack of a den, I will always spend my money on books instead of food. It sounds idiotic, in fact it sounds downright stupid. But I would rather read than eat. God knows my body will benefit from such practices. Honestly though, I love to read and when ever I have some extra cash or a full check to cash I will immediately head towards the nearest bookseller establishment.
For example today, I could have saved my two or three shekels for a later day, but instead the minute I saw that "Of Mice And Men" was on sale for 2 dollars I had to have it.
On the same spree I bought "Nausea" by Jean Paul Sartre and "Death of a Salesman" by Arthur Miller.
Really, I only do it to build my collection. I want to amass a library comparable to that of the one Congress posesses. Impossible, I know. Yet a boy could dream.
When I read I delve into other worlds where my problems don't seem so large and daunting. Life after books just seems so much easier. One would say then, why read about such depression and sadness and such overwhelming adversity. Why? Because, thats why. The words fill me and wrap me tight making me feel protected. I love the smell of an old book, especially when its yellowed and falling apart. Imagine what its been through. Its witnessed first hand the lives of other owners who explored its pages. Its seen the tears fall from many eyes and heard the roaring laughter from many voices. I love knowing that there is something so old and yet willing to teach me something new when ever I feel like it.
PS: A shout out must be given to the people at the Prison Library Project in Claremont, CA. That is where I purchased my novels today. Thanks, I hope my donations help the indigent inmates of Chino State Prison!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Book Review
This past week i've been reading "Possible Side Effects" by Augusten Burroughs, who also wrote "Running With Scissors". This is another collection of essays mostly consisting of recaps of his childhood and some recent events after his success with the film. The book was very funny to say the least. He is a very witty writer with clever insights into the human condition. When he writes about his mother, you can feel the pain. Yet, you are laughing your ass off the whole time.
There is a scene near the end of the book where he writes about finding out that there is no Santa Clause. But only because his mother has to yank him off of an asian man who he thinks is Santa. In fact he believes that all mythical creatures are asain. Why? Well, I won't give that part away, you'll have to read that for yourself.
And if you like this one, you will do well in picking up the rest of his novels. But start off with this one. Its a hoot and a half!

Daliy Soup

Now for another installment of the Daily Soup:
This time we're going to look at one of my favorite websites. RCRDLBL is a music site for independent artists that want to get their music out there but can't because lack of money, distributors, or the biggest reason: no record company. Its a blog of sorts, but one that lets you download music free and most importantly LEGALLY. That was one of the big sellers for me. Its one of the websites I frequent most and often. The music is an eclectic mix of electronica, rock, pop, indy, dance, and hip-hop.
Note:for DJ's they often hold remix contests for up and coming DJ's. The music is free and legal to remix, in fact they want to hear it. Check them out, and download!
Here are a few samples from their collection:
Check some of these artists out and if you like them, go ahead and download it. Its free people!
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